When you are planning a wedding, an anniversary, fundraiser, or any party, the question of music is a central piece of the planning puzzle. Music sets the mood. It sets the tone. It gets people excited, dancing, singing along or just groovin'. It adds so much to any event that the positive effect it has is almost indescribable. So if you’re wondering about having a live band, you can feel confident that nothing is better than live music. When you walk into a catering hall, a restaurant, a nightclub and there is live music (vs. recorded music from an iPod or a DJ), there is a tremendous energy lift; something interesting and fun to see and hear. The sound is not manufactured, auto-tuned, or one-dimensional. Recorded music you only hear. Live music gets inside of you, providing multi-dimensional sensory input: you hear, see, and feel, reaching all your senses, adding incalculable joy to the proceedings. It’s very gratifying for us to hear that our live music creates a totally unique and unforgettable experience for our happy and satisfied clients that their guests will remember long into the future. In our next blog, we'll talk about the great affordability of live music, so stay "tuned..."
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email us: contact@straightaheadtheband.com
Donna: 201-410-7276 John: 201-795-3907